Should We Stay Forever Young?

As a lifelong watcher of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, I caught Paula Abdul’s song and dance performance on the Jennie-O float. She performed her song “Straight Up,” which was released in 1988. There’s lots of praise for Abdul. Other people are noting the flaws in her lip-synching, the doctored sound on her tap routine,...

With Gratitude

Two years ago, when COVID was raging, we drove forty-five minutes and met my son in a Starbuck’s parking lot with a bag full of Thanksgiving dishes I had packed up for him. This year, we’re hosting our first family dinner and out-of-town guests since pre-pandemic. Feeling thankful for that. But also feeling gratitude that...

Stories from the Junk Room

A friend and I were reminiscing yesterday about what people in Idaho called the “junk room”; that room in an unseen part of the house where the door was always closed and the smell of mothballs was ever-present. I had two favorite junk rooms. One was in my grandmother’s house, an upstairs bedroom piled pell-mell...