As a lifelong watcher of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, I caught Paula Abdul’s song and dance performance on the Jennie-O float. She performed her song “Straight Up,” which was released in 1988. There’s lots of praise for Abdul. Other people are noting the flaws in her lip-synching, the doctored sound on her tap routine,...
Author: Teresa Funke
With Gratitude
Two years ago, when COVID was raging, we drove forty-five minutes and met my son in a Starbuck’s parking lot with a bag full of Thanksgiving dishes I had packed up for him. This year, we’re hosting our first family dinner and out-of-town guests since pre-pandemic. Feeling thankful for that. But also feeling gratitude that...
In Defense of the Omnipresent Cell Phone (and Those Who Use It)
Bear with me as I walk you through some familiar scenarios: 1985: Your boss calls and interrupts your dinner to ask if you can pick up extra shifts. 2022: Your boss texts while you’re having lunch with your grandparents and asks if you can pick up extra shifts. 1998: You and your spouse sit at...
The Best Gift We Can Give Ourselves and Others
Buckle up, friends. The holiday season is upon us. This is a super busy time of year for artists, entrepreneurs, and creatives of all kinds. We’re working hard to meet holiday orders, we’re selling at more shows, we’re even creating gifts (often on request) for our families and friends. Put on top of that all...
The Art of Making Money (Or Not)
I’m preparing to lead a discussion on the book, It’s Not Your Money, by Tosha Silver, for a local writing organization to which I belong. Money is a constant source of worry, debate, motivation, and frustration for artists of all kinds. How much do we give away for free? How high can we raise our...
Stories from the Junk Room
A friend and I were reminiscing yesterday about what people in Idaho called the “junk room”; that room in an unseen part of the house where the door was always closed and the smell of mothballs was ever-present. I had two favorite junk rooms. One was in my grandmother’s house, an upstairs bedroom piled pell-mell...
Beyond Your Wildest Dreams – Revisited
This post was originally published March 30, 2019 It occurred to me the other day: – If I’d been more focused all these years, I could have written 20 books, not just 8. – If I’d been more organized, I might not have let so many potential prospects slip away. – If I’d been more...
Don’t Just Leave It On the Porch
The other day, a woman I’ve never met e-mailed me because she’d heard about the Little Free Library I donated to a local mobile home park. She wanted to know how to get me some books for the library. I thanked her profusely and in true pandemic-habit mode, I told her she could leave them...
All You Need is Right At Your Feet
As I mentioned last week, I broke my collarbone while vacationing in my beloved Ireland. In describing the accident and how it affected the trip, I’m tempted to call it a bit of a setback, but that doesn’t feel like the right word. Oddly enough, it was a step forward, not a setback. I won’t...
May Your Blessings Be Many
This will be a short post today. I just returned from a three-week vacation to our beloved rental cottage in southwest Ireland. On the fifth day of our trip, I fell and cracked my collarbone. I spent the rest of the vacation in a sling. I’m healing well now, but still mostly typing with one...