The other day I sent a handwritten note to a friend, only to have him tell me he could not read what I wrote. “My handwriting has always been bad,” I said. “Not this bad,” he replied. And I’m sure he’s right, because who has time to write by hand anymore and why bother? We...
Author: Teresa Funke
Could George Clooney Be Right?
Recently, George Clooney accepted a lifetime achievement award at the Golden Globe Awards. In an effort to cheer up the nominees who had not won in their categories, he reminded them that no one remembers how many awards an actor collects, what they remember is the iconic role he created or that famous line she...
Are You Worth More Than a Dollar an Hour?
As a teen, I was such a good babysitter that I got regular calls from nine different families! I thought it was because I was always available, played well with the kids, and cleaned up the messes. Now, I think it was also because I was the bargain of the century. At a dollar an...
Can Boredom Lead to Brilliance?
When I was a kid, we spent many a summer day at my grandma’s house while my mom worked. Though I adored my grandmother, she was not the type to entertain her grandkids. She left that up to us. Needless to say, I spent many a boring hour staring at the wallpaper. I also spent...
We Make What Matters, Matter
This is the tagline for my company. Why? To remind me of what’s important and to ensure that I never take a single step forward in my life or business unless that step really matters. The line is a quote from Mildred Shearer, one of the women I interviewed for my book Dancing in Combat...
Do You Believe in Magic?
Tomorrow, a houseful of relatives arrive. Friends have asked me how I can stand to have 13 people in my house and if it doubles my stress at the holidays. The answer to that is yes, a bit, but so what? Christmas, to me, is about giving. Isn’t that what we tell our children? Wouldn’t...
A Tale of Two Artists
I have two necklaces that I count among my favorites. Every time I wear each of them, I’m guaranteed a compliment. One was made by a local artist I met at a craft show. I’ve bought several pieces from her over the years. The other I purchased at Macy’s department store. It’s from the 1928...
Give with Faith and Abandon
One of my favorite things about December is the call to action to support charities and nonprofits. I donate to several nationwide and global organizations, but I also enjoy finding those smaller, local nonprofits quietly going about great work in our communities. A donation to their organizations is always treated with such a wealth of...
Cookies, Cards and Creativity
I know you’re out shopping today or hanging up those Christmas lights. The holiday madness is upon us. When you get a quiet moment, watch this video on how to relax and let your creative energy carry you through this crazy and very special time of year.
The Power of Can’t
From the time we are children, we are taught to worship the power of “can.” “If you can dream it, you can do it.” “You can do anything you set your mind to.” We never talk, though, about the power of “can’t.” I recently took a personality test and, apparently, I have a bit of...