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What to Do with Your Crazy Ideas

“Have you ever watched someone’s face when they utter the words, ‘I have a crazy idea’? It lights up! Why? Because in that moment they are experiencing untethered imagination, when the words ‘what if’ seem oh, so possible.”

Those are the opening lines to my new video “What to Do with Your Crazy Ideas.” It’s part of my Great Ideas Giveaway series on YouTube, but this time I’m not sharing one of my own concepts, I’m inviting you to explore all those ideas you’ve been holding in because you’re afraid they might sound “stupid” or “crazy.” And I’m offering steps for how you can test whether those ideas could actually fly.

When we give ourselves permission to go wherever our outlandish thoughts take us, we feel a rush of creativity and excitement. No matter how crazy your idea, you need to sit with that excitement for a while. Don’t dismiss it too easily or too soon. Feel how it reverberates through your body, how it ignites your mind, how it lifts your soul, and then learn to long for that feeling in every project you undertake.

Click here to watch the video! You can also download a PDF of this video on my “Products” page on my website under “Downloads.”