In 1988, I spent a semester studying at West Chester University in Pennsylvania. Most of my friends, my family, and my boyfriend (who is now my husband) were far away in Idaho. This was a time when long-distance calling was not cheap or convenient, not to mention there was only one shared pay phone on...
Tag: artists
Let Loose Your Harebrained Ideas
My husband and I have reached some turning points in our creative endeavors, including the ones we’re working on as a team. So, I suggested that every day for a month, we write down one harebrained idea for how we could advance our work or make more money. I called them “harebrained ideas” because I...
You Bet I’m Proud
Whenever I run into anyone I haven’t seen in a while they ask, “Have you written any new books lately?” “No,” I say. “But I’m still writing my weekly blog.” Most people look a bit disappointed. I guess a blog is nowhere near as impressive or exciting as a book. Or is it? Three days...
Resistance Is a Tool
A while back, I was mulling over an offer I’d received. When I first received it, my gut told me that, while it was a great opportunity, it was not something I really wanted to do. But I had no good reason for not wanting to do it, so I assumed that initial feeling was...
Woe Is Me
There have been times in human history when the term “Woe is me” was actually stated in seriousness by people who were sad or overly challenged. In modern usage, though, it is said in a more dramatic, humorous way, and sometime with a hint of irony: “I won front row tickets to the concert Saturday...
What It Really Means to Be a Living Legend
My husband shared with me a TikTok video in which a high school teacher is showing her students the old music video of “We Are the World.” You know, the hit single recorded in 1985 to benefit African famine relief that featured many of the musical greats of that era, including Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder,...
Just Let Me Do My Work
The other night I had a dream I was working on something creative, and a small group of people gathered around me. They kept saying things like, “Can you explain what you’re doing?” and “Are you getting paid for that?” and “What do you really do for work?” I told them that, while it wasn’t...
Soul Resolutions for the New Year
As you may know, I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions. Why wait until January 1 to start improving yourself or your life? I’m really good at maintaining healthy new habits, when I feel motivated to do so. But my motivation can strike at any time. Plus, too many New Year’s resolutions are either...
A Little Rest is Required
This week I’ve been sick for the first time in two and a half years. I forgot how awful it is to be so achy you can’t get off the couch, and how achy you then become because you can’t get off the couch. For someone who usually has lots of energy and drive, it’s...
Be in Awe of Your Own Work
I hosted one of my art salons last week, and our topic centered around the famous Martha Graham quote in which she talks about an artist’s work and says, “there is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through your action, and because there is only one of you in...