The Wisdom of the Gummy Bears

Recently, I had two dreams back-to-back that both featured me eating gummy bears. This struck me as odd. I like gummy bears, but they’re not something I usually seek out. Being more the organic dark chocolate type, they’re not a candy that typically crosses my mind. I’ve always meant to get better at interpreting and...

A Good Kind of Rejection

A friend and I are going chapter by chapter through the book It’s Not Your Money by Tosha Silver. We had both read it before, but not one chapter a week as the author suggests. There’s a very important section in the book where the author talks about getting rid of clutter. Casting out the...

How to Be Lost in a Good Way

A couple of days ago, my instructor explained how we’d be doing things differently “because of Covid.” “Ah, ‘because of Covid’,” I said. “The crappiest words in the English language.” “Are they really, though?” another student asked. “I could think of worst things we could say.” She was right, of course. Words are just words...

Read This with No Expectations

I’ve started off this year enrolled in an eight-week creativity class. Me, a 30-year veteran of the creative life. You’d think I’d know it all by now, but I sometimes need to sharpen my creative tools or be reminded why this work matters. As part of our homework for this week, the instructor suggested we...