I’ve recently posted a new video in my Great Ideas Giveaway series of business ideas for artists and entrepreneurs. You can view it by clicking on the link below or visiting my YouTube channel, Teresa Funke. This video idea is for a daily deals site that would allow buyers all over the country to purchase...
Tag: entrepreneur
Does the Whole World Think Like You?
We’ve had an unusually cool and rainy summer in Colorado. The other day, my friend was complaining about the weather, fully expecting me to agree with her, as I’m sure most people have. “Oh, I’ve loved this summer,” I said. “I hate being hot, plus I’ve hardly had to water.” She stared at me in...
What Does Your Inner Critic Sound Like?
I used to think if I had an inner critic, it wasn’t very strong. I don’t hear voices in my head telling me I’m stupid or incompetent or ugly, so I thought I was safe. Turns out, our inner critics speak to us in different ways, and some are more subtle. Mine often starts with...
How to Write Great Dialogue – Part I
While this blog generally focuses on all types of artists, I confess this post is directed primarily to the writing community. I wanted to share the new writing video that just went up on my YouTube channel Teresa Funke. Because writing good dialogue is such a challenge for so many writers, I’ll actually be covering...
Art Giveaways for Newsletters Video – Great Ideas Series
I carry business cards for my favorite service providers in my purse. That way if I’m singing the praises of a good plumber or massage therapist or book editor, I can send you away with contact information rather than expecting you to remember the name. I get nothing for this. I just like connecting good...
How to Handle Rejection – Video
Happy to share my newest writing video here, which also runs on my YouTube channel, Teresa Funke. It’s on every artists’ favorite topic—rejection. If you’re involved in the arts, you know that sinking feeling when you open your inbox or mailbox and see the communication you’ve been dreading. You also know the butterflies you get...
You Have to Own Your Art
Is it really this simple? You announce to the world you are an artist, a dancer, a singer, and, voila, you are. Yes and no. I was both terrified and exhilarated when I quit my low-paying job 22 years ago to become a writer. I didn’t tell many people at first. I had to figure...
I Know More Than I Ever Wanted to Know
Do you ever wish your brain had a “delete” button? That there was some way to dismiss all the clutter that seems so necessary for getting ahead in today’s world and just start over? I—a liberal arts major who fantasized about writing all day—now know more than I ever wanted to know about how to...
Art Nights – Great Ideas Giveaway Series
Yesterday I attended the awards ceremony for my daughter’s speech and debate team. They had a stellar year, and I most enjoyed watching the video, which showed talented kids working hard to win, but also creating memories as a team. As artists we often work in isolation. As entrepreneurs, we handle every aspect of our...
How to Fail Successfully
I was recently asked to contribute to an article on “failing successfully.” “I know you’ve been very successful and obviously have a great deal of experience,” the writer told me. Experience in failing? Is that what she meant? I didn’t ask, because the truth is failure is a part of what I do, and that...