This blog is called Bursts of Brilliance because that’s what it feels like when you get a great idea, like the heavens opened up and handed you a gift. But that gift will pass you by if you don’t seize it. And it will wither on the vine if you don’t nurture it. I’ve seen...
Tag: entrepreneurs
When Was the Last Time You Scared Yourself?
My son leaves tomorrow for a semester of study in England. He’s quite nervous and hopefully a little excited, just as I was when I embarked on my studies abroad experience at the age of 19. I confess that I was more than a bit terrified as I boarded that plane, but it wound up...
Are You Worth More Than a Dollar an Hour?
As a teen, I was such a good babysitter that I got regular calls from nine different families! I thought it was because I was always available, played well with the kids, and cleaned up the messes. Now, I think it was also because I was the bargain of the century. At a dollar an...
Can Boredom Lead to Brilliance?
When I was a kid, we spent many a summer day at my grandma’s house while my mom worked. Though I adored my grandmother, she was not the type to entertain her grandkids. She left that up to us. Needless to say, I spent many a boring hour staring at the wallpaper. I also spent...
Do You Believe in Magic?
Tomorrow, a houseful of relatives arrive. Friends have asked me how I can stand to have 13 people in my house and if it doubles my stress at the holidays. The answer to that is yes, a bit, but so what? Christmas, to me, is about giving. Isn’t that what we tell our children? Wouldn’t...
The Power of Can’t
From the time we are children, we are taught to worship the power of “can.” “If you can dream it, you can do it.” “You can do anything you set your mind to.” We never talk, though, about the power of “can’t.” I recently took a personality test and, apparently, I have a bit of...
Do Good Problems Really Exist?
One time, I was meeting with a friend who was dealing with a series of misfortunes. We talked about her a while and how I could help. Then she asked about me. “I feel bad talking about my silly problems considering what you are going through,” I said. Her answer was one of the most...
The Heart of Artists and Entrepreneurs
I know I keep insisting that this blog is for both artists and entrepreneurs, but you may be thinking I seem to slant more toward the artists. There are two reasons for that. One, most artists are entrepreneurs as well. At least they are once they start selling their art. Two, most entrepreneurs are artists...
Back to School Means Back to Work
It’s that time of year again. You can almost smell the freshly sharpened pencils, the eraser shavings, and the Elmer’s glue. Even for those of us who graduated eons ago, the end of summer still feels like back to school. Every autumn, most of the artists I know recommit to their work. All summer you...