What Even Is Normal?

I seem to be pondering this subject a lot lately. Maybe it’s because I had a birthday this week, and whenever you turn a year older, it makes you think a bit more about who you have become. I was talking to my daughter the other day, and she mentioned she’s been falling asleep earlier...

Do You Have the Right Mindset to Succeed?

I recently finished reading Mindset: the New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D. In it, she describes the differences between the “fixed mindset” and the “growth mindset.”  The fixed mindset means that some people believe character, intelligence, creative ability, and talent are all fixed at birth. In the fixed mindset, you must avoid...

The Folly of Failure

What if failure didn’t exist? No, I’m serious. What if it’s just a word someone invented because he was feeling down about his work and the word stuck. It’s not hard to imagine a time when this word didn’t exist. There was a time when none of the words we use today existed. But at...

How to Fail Successfully

I was recently asked to contribute to an article on “failing successfully.” “I know you’ve been very successful and obviously have a great deal of experience,” the writer told me.  Experience in failing? Is that what she meant? I didn’t ask, because the truth is failure is a part of what I do, and that...