Having worked for years as a writer’s coach, webinar presenter, and speaker, I often run into people who’ve taken a class from me or heard me speak about the importance of making time for their art. They often seem happy to see me, yet can’t quite look me in the eye. And then comes the...
Tag: progress
In All Honesty
A friend commented on one of my recent blog posts. She said, “I just love how honest you are in your blog.” I took that as a compliment, after all, that’s how she intended it. But her comment caused me pause. See, when I write these posts, I don’t set out to be anything in...
The Age of the Artist/Entrepreneur
I read a very interesting article recently on theatlantic.com about the evolution of the “artist.” We started out as craftsmen or artisans, back in the times of Shakespeare and Bach. We were apprenticed to master artists, we were middle to lower class, we were selling our wares. We then moved into the period of artist...