They say with age comes wisdom. Which is why we so often like to brag about the advice we’d give our younger selves. But lately, I’ve been wishing I could have lunch with my 22-year-old self not to lecture her, but to connect over shared concerns and longings. I think my 22-year-old self (let’s call...
Tag: sage
The Only Wisdom that Works for Everyone
I’ve been listening to a series of interviews with legendary authors who were asked to share their life wisdom. I expected to be shaken to my core by their words of insight. After all, these are writers who have left us gasping at the beauty of their written words. Instead, I was shocked by how...
Conviction in the Face of Doubt
Recently, I listened to a speaker list three significant moments in her past when she doubted her ability to move forward, and how a key figure in her life told her each time, she could do it. His confidence propelled her onward. Things have not always been that way for me. At several important junctures...