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Thank You to Our Newest Voters

I was once asked by a very nice homeschooling mother if my children’s books incorporated religious messages. “Not specifically,” I said, “but they do address issues of strong character, like being honest, responsible, caring, courageous, thoughtful, loyal, and hard working.” She felt those were messages her children would benefit from hearing, and she bought my books.

The young characters in my Home-Front Heroes series are flawed, as are we all. They make mistakes, sometimes big ones. They experience regret, shame, sorrow, anger, disillusionment, helplessness, and frustration. They are children living in America during the time of World War II, trying to make sense of a world filled with struggle, loss, inequity, and fear, but also love, respect, kindness, and sacrifice.

They are moved to action by their support of their country, but see with their own eyes the lingering effects of war on their communities. They grow up fast.

As today’s newest generation of voters heads off to the polls, they, too, have grown up in challenging times. They, too, have experienced struggle, loss, inequity, and fear. They’ve learned that ours is not a perfect country. They’re forming their own opinions of what works and what doesn’t in our democracy. But they’re also clinging to the hope that America is still a place where their dreams can come true and their voices will count.

I’m grateful to the young people who are standing in line to vote during this election; the ones who’ve knocked on my door canvassing for what they believe in; the ones who’ve collected signatures on petitions for the causes they support; the ones who are studying to enter politics or civil service; the ones who understand that voting is a right of passage and a sacred duty; the ones who encourage their friends to get informed. They are, indeed, our future.

And we are their role-models. All of us. They’re old enough now to think for themselves, as they should, and we are never too old to return to the lessons we taught them as children, the lessons we hopefully learned from our role-models about honesty, courageousness, kindness, respect, dignity, and duty.

To our newest voters, I want to say, your voice does matter. And with all my heart I still believe, with your involvement, your growing wisdom, and your passion, America can always be a place where your dreams can come true. Thank you for voting.

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