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Time’s Up

It’s time to write my blog post (tick)

But I can’t think of a single thing to say this week (tick)

It’s probably just the foggy brain from this sinus infection (tick)

Oh, what does it matter anyway? The world does not need another blog post (tick)

But you usually enjoy writing your blog posts. What’s wrong with you today (tick)

The day is getting away from me (tick)

That doesn’t matter. Making time for your art is more important (tick)

Is this art, though, or is it navel gazing (tick)

Maybe I just need a break (tick)

Or maybe I’m being lazy (tick)

There are more important things to think about right now than a blog post (tick)

So why can’t I let it go? I can always run an old post (tick)

It’s such a nice day, you should be outside (tick)

No. This is a commitment I’ve made to myself and my readers (tick)

Yeah, but commitments can be a trap (tick)

Why did I ever create this blog in the first place? (tick)

Just start it and see what happens (tick)

Okay, it’s done, but is it good? (tick)

Is it true? (tick)


Then it’s good enough.

If you like this post, please share and credit Teresa and Bursts of Brilliance for a Creative Life blog